PJFD Firefighter William Imhold, Victoria Imhold (age 6), Lindsay Imhold (second year Polar Plunge participant), PJFD Firefighter Chuckie McBride
PJFD Chief Keith Brown and ________?
Chip Estenes (a.k.a. Loggerhead Turtle) has participated in the Polar Plunge in all of the six years it has been hosted. He is surrounded by members of Port Jervis Fire Department's Special Operations Team.
Port Jervis Department Fire Police Captain Stan Siegel assists with traffic leaving the Polar Plunge at West End Beach.
PHOTO BY PJFD FIREFIGHTER PETE TOMASI -- shows PJFD Special Operations Team cutting a path in the Delaware River, for Polar Plunge event swimmer access.
Friends and fellow Polar Plunge participants Matt and Leah Horrevoets, Trace Kramer, and Don Spiro
PHOTO BY PJFD FIREFIGHTER PETE TOMASI -- shows PJFD Special Operations Team cutting a path in the Delaware River, for Polar Plunge event swimmer access.
PHOTO BY PJFD FIREFIGHTER PETE TOMASI -- shows PJFD Special Operations Team cutting a path in the Delaware River, for Polar Plunge event swimmer access.
PHOTO BY PJFD FIREFIGHTER PETE TOMASI -- shows PJFD Special Operations Team cutting a path in the Delaware River, for Polar Plunge event swimmer access.
PHOTO BY PJFD FIREFIGHTER PETE TOMASI -- shows PJFD Special Operations Team cutting a path in the Delaware River, for Polar Plunge event swimmer access.
Lori Davis of Pocono Mountain Maple Water Farm supplied healthy refreshments from her new local business. She is pictured with Port Jervis Recreation Director John Faggione.
Victoria Imhold (6) and Polar Plunge participant mom Lindsay Imhold
Keeping warm with two big fire pit warming areas before and after the plunge!
Port Jervis Mayor Dominic Cicalese (a past Polar Plunge swimmer) and Port Jervis Fire Department 1st Assistant Chief Anthony Fuller (who has taken the plunge in all six years of Port's Polar Plunge events).
DV ninth grader Colin O'Connor and his dad Brandon O'Connor took the plunge together, each for the first time!
The Simmons Family and friends were among the nearly seventy-five people who took an icy swim in the Delaware River on Saturday morning, January 11, 2025, some for the first time and others as repeat participants.
A successful winter swim!
Members of Port Jervis Fire Department's lifesaving Special Operations Team responders!
Members of Port Jervis Fire Department's lifesaving Special Operations Team responders!
Members of Port Jervis Fire Department's lifesaving Special Operations Team responders!
Members of Port Jervis Fire Department's lifesaving Special Operations Team responders!
A successful PJFD Polar Plunge winter swim!
A successful PJFD Polar Plunge winter swim!
A successful PJFD Polar Plunge winter swim!
A successful PJFD Polar Plunge winter swim!
A successful PJFD Polar Plunge winter swim!
A successful PJFD Polar Plunge winter swim!
A successful PJFD Polar Plunge winter swim!
A successful PJFD Polar Plunge winter swim!
A successful PJFD Polar Plunge winter swim!
A successful PJFD Polar Plunge winter swim!
A successful PJFD Polar Plunge winter swim!
A successful PJFD Polar Plunge winter swim!
A successful PJFD Polar Plunge winter swim!
A successful PJFD Polar Plunge winter swim!
A successful PJFD Polar Plunge winter swim!
Chip Estenes (a.k.a. Loggerhead Turtle) completes another successful PJFD Polar Plunge winter swim! Disguised as various water-loving creatures each year, Estenes has completed all six local plunges!
A successful PJFD Polar Plunge winter swim!
A successful PJFD Polar Plunge winter swim!
A successful PJFD Polar Plunge winter swim!
A successful PJFD Polar Plunge winter swim!
Loggerhead Turtle Chip Estenes (center) and Matamoras Mayor Cory Homer (right) (both six-time participants) join the large number of participants who completed another successful PJFD Polar Plunge winter swim!
Orange County District Attorney David Hoovler's shoe is returned to him by a fellow Polar Plunge participant, both of whom were among those who successfully completed PJFD's Sixth Annual Polar Plunge winter swim on Saturday morning, 1-11-2025!
A successful PJFD Polar Plunge winter swim!
A successful PJFD Polar Plunge winter swim!
A successful PJFD Polar Plunge winter swim looks quite enjoyable to these four hat-adorned participants, with members of PJFD's Special Operations Team stationed mid-water throughout the event.
A successful PJFD Polar Plunge winter swim looks quite enjoyable to these five participants, with members of PJFD's Special Operations Team stationed mid-water throughout the event.
A successful PJFD Polar Plunge winter swim looks quite enjoyable to these five participants, with members of PJFD's Special Operations Team stationed mid-water throughout the event.
Another successful completion of Port Jervis Fire Department's annual Polar Plunge, January 11, 2025 being the sixth year and date the event was hosted.
Another successful completion of Port Jervis Fire Department's annual Polar Plunge, January 11, 2025 being the sixth year and date the event was hosted.
Another successful completion of Port Jervis Fire Department's annual Polar Plunge, January 11, 2025 being the sixth year and date the event was hosted.
Another successful completion of Port Jervis Fire Department's annual Polar Plunge, January 11, 2025 being the sixth year and date the event was hosted.
Another successful completion of Port Jervis Fire Department's annual Polar Plunge, January 11, 2025 being the sixth year and date the event was hosted.
PJFD Polar Plunge Chairman Tim Simmons, a member of the department's Special Operations Team, gives some tips and information to the annual plunge participants in advance of their taking to the chilly Delaware River this past Saturday morning.
Matamoras Mayor Cory Homer, pictured with his family, has participated in all six of Port Jervis Fire Department's annual Polar Plunge events!
Port Jervis Department of Public Works employees were praised for their annual assistance in preparing the beach area, firepits, and other logistics to the PJFD annual Polar Plunge, which hosted its sixth plunge this past Saturday morning.
Port Jervis Recreation Department Director John Faggione captures a photo of the first group of participants at the start line for this year's sixth annual Polar Plunge at West End Beach!
Members of Port Jervis Fire Department's Special Operations Team are ready for the sixth annual Polar Plunge to begin, 1-11-2025!
PJFD Polar Plunge Chairman Tim Simmons, a member of the department's Special Operations Team, gives some tips and information to the annual plunge participants in advance of their taking to the chilly Delaware River this past Saturday morning.
PJFD Polar Plunge Chairman Tim Simmons, a member of the department's Special Operations Team, gives some tips and information to the annual plunge participants in advance of their taking to the chilly Delaware River this past Saturday morning.
PJFD Polar Plunge Chairman Tim Simmons, a member of the department's Special Operations Team, gives some tips and information to the annual plunge participants in advance of their taking to the chilly Delaware River this past Saturday morning.
Some went in, some supported during Port Jervis Fire Department's sixth annual Polar Plunge. Whether they went in, or cheered from shore, all say they had a great time!
Past Port Jervis Mayor Kelly Decker acted as DJ for beach music and assisted with keeping the PA system in operation.
Chip Estenes, a six time Polar Plunge participant (submerging in the Delaware River all six times it was hosted in PJ) always dresses as a water-loving creature annually, delighting those who wait to see what each year's costume will be.
Chip Estenes, a six time Polar Plunge participant (submerging in the Delaware River all six times it was hosted in PJ) always dresses as a water-loving creature annually, delighting those who wait to see what each year's costume will be.
Plenty of photo opportunities were offered and taken during Port Jervis Fire Department's Sixth Annual Polar Plunge on January 11, 2025.
Early morning first arrivals for Port Jervis Fire Department's sixth annual Polar Plunge on January 11, 2o25.
James “Jamie” Rohner, III, who joined Neversink Engine Co. #1 and who is also a career Fire Chief with West Point Fire & Emergency Services.
Port Jervis Fire Department firefighter Peter Tomasi takes a selfie with his wife Noleen who has completed all six of PJFD's annual Polar Plunges!
Noleen Tomasi has completed all six of Port Jervis Fire Department's annual Polar Plunge events. She his holding a piece of the ice that was cut by PJFD's Special Operations Team to allow a path access for the event's 69 polar swimmers! The water temperature was 32-degrees. The air -- 28-degrees!
James “Jamie” Rohner, III, a longtime Port Jervis Fire Department volunteer firefighter and career Fire Chief with West Point Fire & Emergency Services, and Dick McKeeby, a longtime Port Jervis business owner and community supporter, were among those supporting PJFD's Special Operations Team and Polar Plunge participants at West End Beach this past Saturday morning.
James “Jamie” Rohner, III, who joined Neversink Engine Co. #1 and who is also a career Fire Chief with West Point Fire & Emergency Services.
All precautions are taken annually for Port Jervis Fire Department's special Polar Plunge event, this year being the sixth consecutive year for 'the plunge'!
In-person registration for Port Jervis Fire Department's Sixth Annual Polar Plunge brought additional participants who were assisted by members of the city's co-sponsoring Port Jervis Recreation Department.
A braiding of hair before taking the plunge!
Colin O'connor and his son Brandon O'Connor (a freshman at Delaware Valley High School) took their first time Polar Plunge together.
The entrance to West End Beach for Port Jervis Fire Department's 1-11-2025 sixth annual Polar Plunge. The flag in the photo is at half mast in tribute to and memory of President Jimmy Carter. who died on 12-29-2024
The entrance to West End Beach for Port Jervis Fire Department's 1-11-2025 sixth annual Polar Plunge.
A successful sixth annual Polar Plunge at West End Beach, Port Jervis, NY -- January 11, 2025
Port Jervis Fire Department firefighters and supporters at West End Beach for the sixth annual Polar Plunge on January 11, 2025