***Joint Agency Press Release: Fatal Motorcycle MVA***
Joint Press Release: City of Port Jervis Police Department & Town of Deerpark Police Department
Thursday, August 8th, 2024
Port Jervis Police Chief William Worden and Town of Deerpark Police Chief Richard Sztyndor Provide Information regarding a Fatal Motorcycle Accident
On Wednesday, August 7th, 2024, at approximately 9:50 p.m. a Town of Deerpark Police Officer, operating a marked patrol vehicle, attempted to stop a motorcycle which was traveling southbound on U.S. Route 209 near the Port Jervis City line, but the operator of the motorcycle rapidly accelerated away from the officer, quickly reaching a very high rate of speed.
The Town of Deerpark officer radioed the incident and attempted to catch up to the motorcycle, entering the Port Jervis City limits on Kingston Avenue. A City of Port Jervis marked police vehicle was patrolling through the area and began following the motorcycle on Kingston Avenue and attempted to conduct a traffic stop. The motorcycle proceeded to operate onto East Main Street in a westerly direction passing a steady red signal light. At this point, the Port Jervis Patrol Supervisor instructed the responding police units to disengage.
The motorcycle continued traveling westbound on East Main Street at a high rate of speed and proceeded through the intersection with Orange Street passing a red signal light. An SUV was turning left from Orange Street onto East Main Street having a steady green signal light. The motorcycle then struck the SUV. The impact ejected the motorcycle operator off his vehicle and into a light post located on the median of the roadway, resulting in blunt trauma injuries. Police Officers then arrived on scene and rendered emergency medical care and performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
The motorcycle operator was transported by Port Jervis EMS to Bon Secours Community Hospital where he was subsequently pronounced deceased. The operator of the SUV was not injured.
In accordance with New York State and internal department protocols, the New York State Police, the New York State Attorney General's Office, the Orange County District Attorney's Office and the Orange County Medical Examiner's Office were notified of the incident and each agency responded to conduct their independent respective investigations.
Additional information will be released by those agencies at their discretion.
Anyone who has further information or who may have witnessed this incident is requested to contact the New York State Police Troop F Greenville BCI Station at 845-856-6440.
