By Sharon E. Siegel

MATAMORAS, PA == Matamoras Borough has a new mayor as of January 1, 2024, and he jumped right into his official duties immediately after being sworn in at the Pike County courthouse on January 2. Thirty-three-year-old Matamoras Mayor Cory Homer conducted two official Oaths of Office in his borough and oversaw his first meeting of the Council on Tuesday.
Homer was among many Pike County officials sworn in at the courthouse on the morning of January 2, 2024. These included his father, Robert Homer, who is a Matamoras Borough State Constable. They two were honored to take their Oaths together, accompanied by the new mayor's four-year-old daughter Lily Homer.
With a Ph. D in psychology and a career as a Professor of Psychology and Vice President at Sussex County Community College, Mayor Homer plans to use his education and experience to make positive impacts on his hometown.
As possibly the youngest to hold the office of mayor in Matamoras, the new mayor’s priorities include fostering better communication with citizens and promoting business in the region. He has extensive experience in writing and helping to secure grants, and will seek additional grants and a strategic plan for the borough’s future.
Homer previously served for eight years on the Delaware Valley school board, 16-years as a volunteer firefighter, and as a sports coach and volunteer in other community organizations. He and his wife Tiffany have three children -- Lily (4), Bill (14), and Scarlett (12) -- and are involved in activities in the borough.
Once his own Oath of Office was completed, Mayor Homer conducted an Oath of Office Ceremony at the Matamoras Firehouse. The following Matamoras Fire Department officers were sworn into office: Chief Todd Kowinsky, 1st Assistant Chief Matt McKeon, 2nd Assistant Chief Sean Alesandra, Fire Captain Rob Weber, and Rescue Captain Bill Johnson.
In addition, Chaplain Butch Gilpin and President George Rumsey assisted with the Swearing in event. Many of the members, family members, and others were on hand, and refreshments were served.
Sworn in later at Matamoras Borough Hall were Councilpersons Eric Kudrich, Mark Madsen, and Lisa Salvato. Following their swearing in. a reorganization meeting was held in which Kudrich was elected by his fellow council members as President, Mark Madsen as Vice President, and Jon Maney as President Pro Tem.
Matamoras’ eight-member council, as of 2024, is comprised of Mayor Cory Homer and Councilpersons Eric Kudrich, Mark Madsen, Jon Maney, Lisa Salvato, Sean Alessandra, John Bush, Jr., and Harry Prey. In addition, the following are listed on council agendas: Solicitor Jason Ohlinger, Treasurer Greg Meyer, Tax Collector Amy Turner, EMA Tom Olver, Fire Chief Todd Kowinsky, Eastern Pike Regional Police Assistant Chief Eric Stewart, and Zoning Officer Sean Bolles.
