By Sharon E. Siegel
PORT JERVIS, NY – Flags for Heroes is currently underway in Port Jervis, hosted and guided by Port Jervis’ active local Rotary Club group. Hosted annually in Port Jervis, dozens of full-sized American flags are currently displayed at the corner of East Main Street and Sullivan Avenue. Each flag offers a chance for anyone to pay tribute to heroes in their lives - past and present.
The project serves two purposes. First, it offers an opportunity to honor personal heroes.
While it can be a veteran, member of the military, fire, police, teacher, coach, or member of your own family, it can also be just a general salute to heroes. Second, it helps to raise funds for the Rotary Club’s annual scholarships for local graduating seniors.
Do you have a hero you would like to honor? All you have to do is pick up a form/forms (one form per hero name) from the display holder on the fence where the Rotary’s flags are waving daily. A weatherproof medallion with your hero’s name, rank, title or other designation will be displayed with each flag you sponsor. That medallion will be yours to keep once the annual project concludes.
Flags will be displayed from May 1-July 8. An official dedication will be held at the East Main Street flag site at noon on June 1. There will be dignitaries, patriotic music, snacks, and the reading of Heroes during this event.
Posted here is a sample order form. In order to have your hero’s name printed on a banner, your form must be received by May 15. However, flags may be sponsored and tributes paid throughout the entire project timeline.
Port Jervis’ Rotary Club is part of an international service-based organization that has been around since 1905. It’s two official mottoes, Service Above Self and One Profits Most Who Serves Best, guide Rotarians in their mission to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace. Locally, the Rotary is one of the community’s most active organizations and helps carry out this international mission throughout each year.
