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Welcome to Port Jervis Newsroom

News Plus

Welcome to Port Jervis Newsroom, an informational blog about our community.  This website was created by residents Charlene Lehn and Sharon Siegel. Our intention is to provide interesting and factual information about events, activities, fundraisers, celebrations, etc.  As the title suggests, this is an open positive forum for sharing information about our area.  We ask that everyone shows mutual respect to all members and readers.

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Gathering of Port's Mayors!

By Sharon E. Siegel I have been researching and working on a publication of our city’s last village board and each of the 27 mayors (and...

Water, Water, Everywhere!

As mentioned in a previous article, our valley is well blessed with water. We are located between two rivers, the Neversink and Delaware....

Going down under!

As the Erie Railroad continued to grow, so did the necessity of building more tracks to handle the train traffic. Soon the citizens of...

The Erie

As we all know, the “Erie“ has played an important role in the history of Port Jervis, but how much of an effect did it have on our...


So why is Port Jervis here? Well, it has a lot to do with our location. We live in a valley located between two rivers, the Neversink...

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Port Jervis, NY


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